
Shopify Store: Is Using Shopify to Run Your Web Store Worth It?

Shopify Store: Is Using Shopify to Run Your Web Store Worth It?

Has there ever been a more exciting time to launch an eCommerce business? Possibly not. In 2022, the Canadian eCommerce sector will hit a record $80 billion. That’s a tempting sales figure for any aspiring entrepreneur.

Early on in your eCommerce startup, you’ll need to decide what platform you intend to use for your shop.

A name you’ll see crop up repeatedly will be Shopify. Is a Shopify store right for you? Here’s a brief introduction, plus some of this platform’s main pros and cons. 

A Brief Introduction to Shopify

It might surprise you to discover that Shopify started way back in 2006 when eCommerce stores were still ironing out the complexities of things like payment integration.

Since then, Shopify has dominated the market as an eCommerce store builder, powering as many as 100,000 Canadian websites.

Shopify is an end-to-end platform. It allows you to build the front end for your store, load up your products, and add payments, all fully integrated. 

Pros of Shopify

There is a reason so many businesses love Shopify. Here are some of the main advantages of creating a store on Shopify: 

  • Shopify is easy to use, and you won’t need prior technical experience to set up a store from scratch
  • The platform offers multiple template designs to help you create a professionally-looking website
  • The plugins on Shopify will help you add marketing features to your website to boost your sales and conversion rates
  • Shopify is a reliable and popular platform, meaning you’ll have the reassurance of a secure, technically sound website for your business
  • Shopify Partners like our team are on hand to help you create your perfect eCommerce vision on the platform

It’s fair to say that Shopify designed its platform to be a beginner-friendly eCommerce solution. It could be an excellent option if you lack experience with a technical website build. 

Cons of Shopify

What about some of the downsides to Shopify? Here are the main drawbacks it’s worth knowing about before you sign up for the platform:

  • You’ll pay a monthly fee for Shopify so that it can feel expensive for a brand new business
  • The plugins cost extra, and many plugin businesses charge a monthly fee
  • The easy setup also means you don’t need to customize the platform, but that will limit your ability to create a unique website design

Suppose you have a vision for a highly customized store. In that case, you might need a platform that will give you that sort of flexibility. If you aren’t sure, it’s worth speaking to our eCommerce experts for some professional advice

Is a Shopify Store Right for You?

Are you ready to build a successful Shopify store? You could go it alone, but why not skip the learning curve and the trial and error and get expert help?

We can give you the support you need to quickly get your eCommerce store up and running, with a beautiful and professional finish for your website. Get in touch with our team now to have that first chat. 

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