Launch Online BC Government Grant Program for Small Business

About the BC Launch Online Grant

As a small business owner in British Columbia, did you know you can apply for a government grant to improve or launch your online store or online booking system?! Learn more about the Launch Online Government Grant Program here.

The Launch Online Grant program provides funding to B.C.-based business to create an online shop or an online booking system and/or improve their existing online operations to attract new local customers and expand to new markets. The grant will pay for up to 75% of eligible expenses, up to a maximum of $7,500 per business.

The program supports a rapid response for businesses and is accepting applications from businesses ready to start and finish their online shop within 12 weeks.

This program presents a fantastic opportunity for BC businesses to reach their audience online. As a small business during the times of co-vid, your online store or online booking system can help your business grow and thrive, now and into the future.

Eligible Expenses

Launching an online store and fast can be a daunting task, but there is help our there. With up to $7,500 grant money available to you, the cost and expertise required to build or improve your online store or online booking system is within reach.

The Launch Online Grant from the BC government will cover the following expenses:

Successful applicants must use one or more B.C.-based service providers to build or improve their online store or online booking system. The only non-B.C.-based eligible expenses include:

Application Deadline

Time is of the essence. The application deadline is September 30th, 2021.

Program application intake is open until September 30, 2021 or until the funds have been fully subscribed. Funding will be awarded on a first-come first-serve basis to small- and medium-sized B.C. businesses.

For the projects to have an immediate benefit, the funds will be given as soon as a business has been approved for the program.


We can help!

The consultants at Bloom Digital Marketing can help you with your online pursuits. We are a BC based service provider. From setting up your online store, to search engine optimization, Google Advertising and Facebook Ads, we have the expertise to help you launch your online store or online booking system and reach your audience. Get started today!

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