
How to Pick a Web Hosting Company With SEO in Mind

How to Pick a Web Hosting Company With SEO in Mind

There is a reason that 10 of the top web hosting companies dominate 24% of the industry and it’s not just because they offer great deals. The reason is that quality web hosting means better SEO (site engine optimization) for your site. 

But, how do you know if a web hosting company will boost your site’s ranking? 

Read on for all the ways great hosting can affect your SEO, then find a company that offers them all. 

Understanding the Importance of ‘No Downtime’

If you answer the question “what is a web host?” the main answer is the server you use to connect your site to the internet. So, when that connection is lost, then you have no website.

When you have no site, then you can’t make any sales or connect your services to customers. But, what you may not know is that this also affects your SEO when a search engine crawls your website. 

A site that is down will be viewed as broken and may get de-indexed from that search engine. 

Having a Prime Server Location

The quality of the server is not the only important factor when deciding on a web hosting company. You also need to ask, “What is the web hosting server location?”

If your server is far away from your computer and the majority of your users’ computers then it will affect the speed of your site. In addition, the local laws and regulations of your server can determine your data storage options and your content abilities. 

Another option is to use cloud servers like Google web hosting, which combines a network of resources to offer you expandable options. 

Catering to Your Need for Speed

Location isn’t the only factor in your website’s speed. Another component of website hosting services is that the type of hosting will decide how many other websites are on your server.

For example, shared hosting means that you need to share RAM and CPU space with other websites, creating slower loading times. A dedicated server, however, gives you an entire server, which means more processing space and fasting loading times. 

Slow loading pages can deter users from staying on your website long enough to click or call you. It also is bad for your reputation as well as your SEO marketing strategies. 

But, the main reason that slow websites are bad is that speed is an SEO indicator. Slow websites won’t make it to the top of a SERP (search engines results page) and the conversion rate will drop by an average of 4.42% each second, within zero to five. 

After You Choose a Web Hosting Company 

Once you decide on a web hosting company don’t think that your SEO efforts are complete. There is still a lot of work to ensure your site will rank. You will need to conduct keyword research, craft relevant content, development a reputation through backlinking, and clean up your metadata. 

Get help with your internal SEO strategy by contacting us today for a consultation. 

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