Digital Marketing Blog

March 9, 2021Facebook Ads | Google Ads | Microsoft Ads
A comparison of Google, Facebook & Microsoft Ads

Cambridge University MBA students and the ad platform Adzooma, recently conducted a study of how Google, Facebook and Microsoft ads compare. The results are interesting! Participants analyzed how imagery, sentiment, and language impacted click-through rates (CTRs) on three top online ad platforms.

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March 3, 2021Google Ads
No more cookies, announces Google

It's been a long time coming but finally Google is no longer using third party cookies in its ad network and Chrome browser. However it does not mean they will stop collecting your data and serving you targeted ads. Google has figured out another way to serve up personalize ads.

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February 19, 2021Google Ads
Responsive Search Ads now the default ad type in Google

There are so many search ad types in Google, it can be quite confusing if you're new to the platform. Well as of February 18th, Google has simplified things by making Responsive Search Ads the new default ad type in Search Campaigns. You can still have Expanded Text Ads in your campaigns though but from our experience, they are not as effective as their machine learning ad counterpart!

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October 18, 2020Google Ads
See how your PPC campaigns measure up! Get Google Ads Benchmarks by Industry

The latest Google Ads Benchmarks by Industry to see your PPC campaigns stand up against your entire industry.

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August 15, 2020Google Ads
Important Google Ads Grant Program Changes for Advertisers

The Google Ads Grant program is a phenomenal and generous program that assists nonprofit organizations change the world! In 2020, Google pledged to invest $1 billion in this program benefiting 35,000 nonprofits worldwide. That said, the program has had its challenges for Canadian nonprofits hoping to use and maintain the ad grant from Google. This week, Google announced some major changes to how the grant program works. Some rules have been loosened but others have become more strict.

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