Three Home & Garden Spring Trends on Google

According to Google, the latest search trends are showing that we have entered the earliest and most digital spring shopping season on record.

As Canadians continue to spend a lot of time at home, home and garden shopping search trends are surging! In this article, we provide a recap of Google’s four Spring trends thus far, and how you can leverage these for your own digital marketing efforts (Source:, Spring Home 2021 Trends).

1. Offline categories have moved online

With the “new normal,” we’re seeing continued growth in search interest for home and garden products that are traditionally bought in-store. For example, there is increased search volume for queries such as “order paint online”, “order groceries online” etc.

So the recommendations here is to make sure your entire catalog of products and services are on your website, and on Google. Make sure to use high res photos, videos, offer bundles, and immersive experiences to help your customers experience the product or service as fully as possible online. And finally take advantage of the new Free Listings feature in Google Shopping.

2. Online shopping fuelled by new hobbies

For the large part, Canadians are not traveling right now. Instead we are finding new ways to enjoy our outdoor spaces, which has led to a surge in new hobbies like cooking, growing our own food, and gardening.

The recommendation to leverage the growth in hobbies is to check out Google Trends and YouTube Trends, and promote your products and services that would nicely compliment these new hobbies. Create interesting ads and copy to reach this new and engaged audience.

3. People are planning for projects

The pandemic has led to huge growth in larger projects like home renovations. Search interest for “kitchen renovations” and “backyard ideas” are each up by 5X compared to last February. On YouTube, search interest is growing for “decor,” indicating a desire for consumers to revamp their spaces.

The recommendations is to make sure your products and services show up in search results during the ‘research phase’. At this stage people are looking for ideas and inspiration for all types of projects. Leverage this buy creating blog posts, offering high res photos on your website and on photo sharing websites and creating videos and sharing on youtube etc.

If you need help creating a strategy on how to leverage these trends, contact Bloom Digital Marketing. Our consultants are full of ideas!

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